Scenarios for Young African Entrepreneurs quantitatively and qualitatively explores what the future might hold for very young entrepreneurs (VYEs) in Africa, how entrepreneurship can offer exciting alternatives to drive employment and economic growth in Africa, as well as what the required inputs from each of the major stakeholders should be to facilitate employment growth.
This Green Paper details the stages of development for what has become The Anzisha Scenario and then sets out an agenda for discussion to determine what can be done to realize the vision encapsulated in that Scenario. The Workshop Report, which can be found at, details the required inputs and implications of operationalizing The Anzisha Scenario. A document outlining the process to develop The Anzisha Scenario, along with a list of contributors, can be accessed at
The Anzisha Scenario is a campaign by the Anzisha Prize in which we imagine a future where, in response to the challenge of youth unemployment, young Africans of high potential choose entrepreneurship as a career.
The campaign seeks to engage multiple stakeholders – parents, teachers, investors, and others – to collectively envision whether and how enabling very young entrepreneurs could impact the employment situation in Africa.
We aim to foster a pan-African, multi-stakeholder dialogue around the Anzisha Scenario by facilitating 3-4 workshops in different regions of the continent between now and September 2019.
Sign up to find out when a workshop is coming near you.