Mastercard Foundation
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ALA Baraza: Power Careers Of Young Leaders In South Africa and...
July has been marked by Africa Careers Network Barazas, preparing young leaders across the continent to enter the job market.
For the past decade, ALA...

Gala Address: Reeta Roy, CEO Mastercard Foundation
Mastercard Foundation CEO, Reeta Roy gives an address at the African Leadership Academy Decennial Gala on February 24th, 2018.
Enjoy! And please share with others!

Increasing access to funding opportunities for young women entrepreneurs: How we...
Melissa Mbazo, Program Manager for the Anzisha Prize, is an emerging expert in the field of social sector prize design and access. She shares...

November Newsletter: The Innovation Issue
The ALA community hosted various meaningful events around the globe this past month. In early November, we joined our peers at ALU to host African...

INSIGHT: How Africa’s Youth are Rising to Meet the Continent’s Socio-economic...
By 2035 Africa will have the largest youth workforce in the world. It is the young entrepreneurs that will address the employment gap.”

African Leadership Academy and The MasterCard Foundation proudly announce the finalists for the 2012 Anzisha Prize, the premier award for Africa’s young entrepreneurial leaders. The Prize identifies and celebrates...

Announcing the Anzisha Prize
African Leadership Academy and The MasterCard Foundation are proud to announce the launch of the Anzisha Prize, the premier award for Africa’s young entrepreneurial...